April 7 is World Health Day and this year Heathy Liver Initiative will be marking it with the Healthy Liver campaign(HLC). The theme for the Campaign is “How does your Liver Look?”
There will be an online/Social Media Campaign which may also be in form of a contest with prizes attached to the winner.
Steps on how to get involved include:
Upload a picture of you with a placard carrying any of our slogan or tags, or any other writeup related to the Liver e.g Healthy Liver campaign, My Liver is beautiful, I have a wonderful liver etc
Before uploading on Facebook, Instagram or other Media, use hash tags like #HealthyLiverInitiative , #HealthyLiverCampaign, #HLI, #HLC
Healthy Liver initiative – HLI will upload the pictures on our pages, the picture with the highest likes and comments wins the contest.
It’s as easy as that.
N. B The aim of this is to create awareness on the importance of a healthy Liver. We can also make posts that will educate the public about the Liver with our hash tags.
We should try as much to get involved in the online campaign not necessarily the contest. It’s the least you could do to save a life.
In addition to that, we will be educating the public on a specific Liver Pathology: Primary Liver Cell Carcinoma. Questions and comments shall be taken.
Thank you!