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HLI-walk against hepatitis

Walk against Hepatitis

Do you know that 9 out of 10 people living with viral hepatitis globally are not aware of their status?

In 2012, there was about One Million deaths due to Liver Cancer worldwide, majority caused by viral hepatitis.

Since then, these rates have continually increased in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa.

Your friends, family or even you might be living with this virus.

Unless there is a massive scale-up in awareness, screening, diagnosis and linkage to care, more people will become infected and lives will continually be lost.

We appeal to you to be a part of a solution to this.

Join Healthy Liver Initiative in this campaign as we find the ‘missing millions’ !

Our campaign has been tagged ” 1000 Man Walk against Hepatitis” to mark this year’s World Hepatitis Day on the 28th of July.

Send a direct message to us.
Call/text : 08188048896.
Comment and share please!
